What is the most difficult life lesson?

 What is the most difficult life lesson?

Control is an illusion, We frequently think we have more influence over events than we actually do, which causes us to overestimate our chances of success.

In life, we waste both time and health. We only understand their worth until we lose them.
To forgive, you don't need to wait for an apology.

Everybody gets injured, which results in two types of people: those who inflict harm on others in order to feel better and those who make every effort to avoid doing harm to others in order to prevent others from going through what they did.

Everybody has hardships, issues, regret, sadness, betrayal, and loss throughout their lives. It's not only you who has a "bad life." 

The only distinction is that although some people don't complain, others do.
We are held accountable for whatever we do (including making some poor decisions) and don't do (such as neglecting your loved ones or your health).

Many of us waste valuable years by clinging to and adoring poisonous people.
While we all become older, only some of us mature.
